Business Consulting Services We Offer
Sales Process Assessment – Developing a Sales Process Assessment is often Roger’s starting point in working with a company. Small to medium-sized businesses that want to improve their top line revenue and bottom line profits need to understand how all the people who touch the sales process are helping – or hurting.
Roger’s approach is to directly interview those players, develop a multipoint assessment of how those individuals in your company add value and provide the business owner/management team a list of specific, actionable recommendations to implement positive change.
Learn more about Sales Process Assessments >>
Family Business Coaching – My goal as a family business consultant is to facilitate positive change within the interactive systems of family, ownership and management insuring a more successful business.. Often, this can be as simple as opening up lines of communication; other times it can be extremely complex requiring difficult soul searching and even the alteration of lifelong plans and dreams. Sometimes the first priority is to revert back to the documented Strategic Plan and what was agreed to by all of the management/family team.
Family business engagements are unique in each and every situation – there is no manual to be passed out and taught. That is not to say that the methodology of the process is different, but rather, that the facts and circumstances surrounding family, ownership and management are different in each situation and even at different times in the same situation.
Learn more about Family Business Coaching >>
Designing Sales Incentive Programs – The sales team is a key ingredient to making success happen in an organization. Communication is extremely critical here. It is very important to tell the Sales Team what you want them to do by how you pay them. B2BSales Boost can help you determine how to do this and help you accomplish this on an ongoing basis.
Recruiting – The economy is at or near full employment. Finding good people is quite a chore and takes considerable amounts of time and effort. B2B Sales Boost has found great employees for multiple companies, why not let B2B Sales Boost do the legwork for you. B2B Sales Boost will find the prospective candidates; screen them, so all you have to do is the final interview.
Profitability – Can we positively impact profitability through a new personnel system? Many times the answer is absolutely! Whether through expense control or vendor sourcing B2B Sales Boost can help you improve operational performance. There are many ways to positively impact your profitability.
Implementing New Distribution Channels – Nothing happens without someone selling something. However, it is not always in the budget to have full time employees doing the selling. Sometimes it is best from a budget standpoint to sell through alternate channels (i.e. Agents, Manufacturer Reps, Re-marketers). B2BSales Boost can show you how to set this channel up, how to motivate them to move your products or services while maintaining your high customer satisfaction standards.
Creating Marketing Campaigns – You have good products or services, you have a good sales channel why do your customers not have a greater sense of urgency to buy? How do I move up next months sales to this month or next quarters to this quarter. B2B Sales Boost can evaluate your situation and show you how to shorten your sales cycle time frame.
Engineering Commission Plans to Drive High Margin Items/Services – Your sales team’s job is to SELL!! Do you care what they sell? Every organization would prefer to move products or services with high margins vs. products or services with lower margins. However, you need to turn the inventory or drive resource utilization. How does an organization know how to strike the right balance? B2B Sales Boost can help you come up with the right balance to drive the desired results.
Evaluating Talent to Maximize Results – How does a company figure out who is doing a good job and who is not? How do I grow an employee so that they can contribute faster? How do I coach folks to take on more responsibility and at the same time create a measuring stick to determine how they are growing? When is it time to say, “this employee is not going to make it?” How do I make this happen without HR issues? B2B Sales Boost has done all of this and knows how to teach/help you do it as well.
Training Sales Teams on How to Shorten the Sell Cycle – You have heard the term that “he is a natural salesman.” Some folks have personalities that are more inclined for sales than others. However, there is no natural salesman or woman for that matter. Sales staff need constant care, attention, coaching and need to know that management is “inspecting what they expect.” B2B Sales Boost can help you create this structure/discipline and either show you how to do the coaching or do it for you.
Strategic Planning – Without a roadmap moving your company/organization in the right direction is by accident vs. by action. Allow B2B Sales Boost to facilitate your Strategic Plan and increases your odds of your organization being successful.